The quality of aquaculture water quality is an important part of the success of aquaculture. This is the reason for raising water first. In recent years, with the development of aquaculture technology, in order to increase the yield per unit area, high-density culture technology has been widely adopted.

As a result, the feed per unit area will be greatly increased, because the feed rate is not very high, and the remaining high protein After the feed sinks to the bottom, it will ferment H2S, ammonia nitrogen, and toxic and harmful substances such as nitrous acid, and also increase the content of organic matter in the water.

The presence of these substances will seriously affect the growth of fish or shrimp, and the mortality rate. Will improve. Lighter production cuts, the heavy all over the army, the particles are not collected, if the situation occurs in the middle and late breeding period, the loss is more serious.

At present, the methods for water purification and bottom reform of aquaculture mainly include: (1) adsorption of sediment by other boiling stone powder and iron or aluminum salt. Because the zeolite powder contains a large number of micropores, it can adsorb ammonia nitrogen, H2S, and other heavy metals in the water, so that it sinks to the bottom and reduces the distribution in the water of the pond. The use of inorganic polymer is to use the hydroxide colloid produced by it to adsorb the organic suspension in the water body and precipitate on the bottom of the pond to improve the transparency. 2 The use of microbial preparations is a new way to purify and reform the aquaculture water.

For example, photosynthetic bacteria can make full use of harmful substances in water, as well as other organic pollutants as nutrients for growth and reproduction of bacteria. Using photosynthetic bacteria, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen in water is 66%, the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) is over 94%, and the removal rate of biological oxygen consumption (BOD) is over 98%.

The use of sodium humate for the purification and bottom-up of water quality in aquaculture is determined by its special structure and properties. Sodium humate has a colloidal nature and exhibits a loose structure in an aqueous solution. In addition, it contains a variety of reactive groups, and therefore, it has strong ion exchange capacity, adsorption, complexation, and affinity.

According to the electron microscope observation of Flaiy et al., the minimum dispersed particle of sodium humate in water is 6-10 nm, so that the sodium humate particles and other particles adsorbed together will aggregate and produce flocculent precipitate, thereby purifying the water body. The role of organic matter to improve water quality transparency.

The various active genes contained in sodium humate have a complexation effect on harmful heavy metals in the water, and are purified by precipitation to purify water. The pH value of marine aquaculture water is generally 8.0-8.5. The sodium humate contains phenolic hydroxyl groups.

The complexation principle is

The complexation of metal ions by sodium humate, Beck-With used potentiometric titrator to summarize their stability order, namely Pb2+>Cu2+>Ni2+>Co2+>Zn2+>Cd2+>Fe2+>Mn2+>Mg2+.

In the shrimp breeding, the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences studied the toxicity of heavy metals on juvenile shrimp by sodium humate. It was found that sodium humate could purify water, relieve the toxicity of Pb2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ to juvenile shrimp, and effectively promote the young. Shrimp growth, the survival rate increased by 14%, the pond period is advanced, the larvae are strong, the vitality is strong, and the posture is neat.

Zhanjiang Ocean University and Zhanjiang Fubang Biochemical Co., Ltd. studied the water-purifying and bottom-reducing effects of sodium humate in the shrimp farm area of ​​Nanshan Island. The result is that 1 to 15 kg of sodium humate is applied per acre, the water quality is stable for more than 10 days, the transparency is maintained at 30 to 40 cm, and the water body is expressed as “fat, live, tender and cool”. Shrimp has strong appetite, strong physical strength and fast growth rate.

Through the control experiment, the interval of 15 days is the first phase, the weight gain rate is 18 3%, and the second phase weight gain rate is 21 6%. Sodium humate has a small molecular weight. In addition to 50% of sodium humate, it has 15% nucleic acid, amino acid (25% 9%), VB, VC, inositol, polysaccharide, etc. These active substances have very much High physiological activity, therefore, these substances can promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in water and the growth of unicellular algae. The growth of these organisms can increase the dissolved oxygen content of water, and also provide natural food for shrimp.

The feed grade sodium humate product is a fully water-soluble black crystal and powder which can be used as a feed additive or as a drinking water additive.

Sodium Humate functions

  1. Sodium humate promotes and improves feed conversion rate and improves meat quality
  2. Sodium humate promotes the effective absorption of nutrients by various organs and organs, and improves milk, hair quality and yield.
  3. Sodium humate reduces ammonia emissions and odors
  4. Sodium humate The feed grade humic acid product has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which can improve the body immunity of cattle and sheep and reduce the use of antibiotics.
  5. Sodium humate feed grade humic acid products can effectively reduce and control various diseases of cattle and sheep.
  6. Sodium humate can reduce the risk of diarrhea in the first month at the beginning of the cow’s birth.
  7. Sodium humate reduces the risk of mastitis and high somatic cell count during the milking period.
  8. Sodium humate can effectively prevent goat abortion during pregnancy and is a natural abortion agent.
  9. Sodium humate can effectively control intestinal diseases of lambs and dairy cows, especially dysentery.
  10. Sodium humate can effectively control and cure lamb stomatitis.
  11. Sodium humate can effectively prevent, control and treat the onset and spread of amniotic diseases with high incidence in winter.

Sodium humate applied to pigs

3 days after treatment of the pigs showed improvement of 95% cure rate of 23%, the cure rate of 90% after 6; pigs with conventional drug treatment only 26% cure rate after 6. The treatment method used for treatment of diarrhea is far superior to traditional treatment methods.

Sodium humate from natural, safe, no residue, no resistance, is suitable for the current farming green additive products

Stimulate the role of growth metabolism.

Potassium humate contains a variety of active functional genes, which can enhance the activity of catalase and polyphenol oxidase in crops, stimulate physiological metabolism and promote growth and development.

For example, potassium humate can promote early germination of seeds, and the emergence rate is high, especially at low temperatures; it can stimulate the division and growth of root meristem cells, so that the roots of the seedlings are fast, the roots are increased, the roots are increased, and the roots are elongated. To increase the ability of crops to absorb water and nutrients.

Change the characteristics of fertilizers.

Potassium humate contains carboxyl, phenolic hydroxyl and other functional groups, has strong ion exchange and adsorption capacity, can make ammonium bicarbonate reduce the loss of ammonium nitrogen, and improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer. Inhibits urinary enzyme activity and reduces urea volatilization.

Increase the distance of phosphorus movement in the soil, inhibit the fixation of water-soluble phosphorus in the soil, convert the available phosphorus into delayed-effect phosphorus, and promote the absorption of phosphorus by roots.

Potassium humate functional group can absorb potassium ions, slow down the potassium fertilizer, increase the release of potassium, and increase the content of available potassium. Humic acid and insoluble trace elements can undergo a kneading reaction to form a humic acid trace element chelate which is well soluble and can be absorbed by crops, thereby facilitating the absorption of trace elements by roots and leaves.

Improve the soil structure.

Potassium humate can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, regulate soil pH, regulate soil water, fertilizer, gas and heat, increase soil exchange capacity, achieve acid-base balance, improve soil water retention and fertilizer retention, and promote soil microbial activities.

Increase the number of aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes, and cellulolytic bacteria, accelerate the decomposition and conversion of organic substances, promote the release of nutrients, and facilitate the absorption of nutrients by crops.

Enhance the resistance to stress.

Potassium humate can reduce the stomatal opening strength of plant leaves, reduce leaf transpiration, thereby reducing water consumption, improving the water status of plants, ensuring normal growth and development of crops under drought conditions, and enhancing drought resistance. Potassium humate has a high activity and inhibits fungi.

It can enhance the coldness of crops, is easily adsorbed by cell membranes, changes cell membrane permeability, promotes the absorption of inorganic nutrients, prevents rot disease, root rot, and reduces pests and diseases.

Improve the quality of seeds.

Potassium humate forms complexes or chelates with trace elements, increases the amount of trace elements moving from root to leaf or other parts, regulates the ratio and balance of macroelements and trace elements, and strengthens enzymes for sugar, starch, and protein. , the synthesis of fat and various vitamins.

Potassium humate can promote the activity of enzymes, convert polysaccharides into soluble monosaccharides, increase the synthesis and accumulation of starch, protein and fatty substances, accelerate the metabolism of various primary products from stems or roots to fruits and seeds, and make fruits full. ,thick.

Sodium humate is a multi-functional macromolecular organic weak sodium salt which is processed by special process of weathered coal, peat and lignite. Its structure is relatively complicated. It is known that humic acid molecules contain benzene ring and thick. Ring and some heterocyclic rings (such as pyrrole, furan, anthracene, etc.), each aromatic ring is bridged, and there are various functional groups on the aromatic ring, mainly carboxyl group, phenol group, hydroxyl group, methoxy group,. The content of humic acid dry base in sodium humate is more than 75%, which is a good veterinary drug and feed additive for producing green milk and egg food.

As a feed and purified water, sodium humate can purify water, promote the growth and development of aquatic products, improve immunity, effectively prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria, reduce or eliminate the absorption of heavy metals, and improve the yield and quality of aquatic products.

Adding sodium humate to the fish pond is beneficial to adjust the H+ ion concentration, balance the pH of the water, and maintain it in the normal range; sodium humate can adsorb NH3 and H2S in water to purify the pool; sodium humate and multiple metals The ionic action forms an insoluble chelate compound, which reduces the toxicity of excessive water-soluble harmful heavy metals to fish and shrimp; it can be used as an opacifier for controlling the growth of moss, and has a water purifying agent for flocculation of organic molecules.

  1. Sodium humate increases feed conversion rate, increases yield, and improves quality
  2. Sodium humate enhances the immunity of aquatic products, reduces disease, increases the food intake of aquatic products after feeding this product, and significantly improves the disease resistance and survival rate of larvae.
  3. Sodium humate has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which can reduce the use or replacement of antibiotic drugs.
  4. sodium humate molecule is rich in nitrogen and has a strong absorption effect on the amino group. It can decompose the excrement of the bottom cultured animal in the aquaculture water, and the residual bait and organic floc, which reduces the metabolism of feces. The odor is increased by the absorption of ammonia gas.
  5. Sodium humate has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects, which can effectively prevent, control and treat anti-rotation, herpes virus, sporozoite, etc.
    Sodium humate can promote corticosteroids and increase the capillary permeability caused by amines by activating the pituitary-adrenal system.
  6. The sodium humate polymer complex contains alkaloids, so it has strong adsorption capacity for toxic substances in the intestines, and has astringent effect on the intestinal mucosa of the cultured animals to prevent gastroenteritis.
  7. Under the action of various enzymes, the active group in the sodium humate molecule can decompose more nascent oxygen and exhibit bactericidal action.
  8. Sodium humate is different from antibiotics in that it has no toxicity and detoxification effect. It has detoxification effects on heavy metals and strychnine, and can reduce the toxicity of chemical fertilizers in water.

Potassium humate is a residue of plants and animals (brown coal, weathered coal, peat) formed by tens of millions of years of soil microbial transformation.

The source of potassium humate is rich in various functional groups such as hydroxyl group, phenol group and carboxyl group, and the utilization rate is high.

Potassium humate can regulate soil pH due to its functional group. It is also a natural chelating agent, which chelate with metal ions to reduce nutrient loss or solidification and promote direct absorption of plants.

It can promote poorly soluble aluminosilicates in soil. Inorganic minerals (Phosphorus and Potassium) form soluble nutrients and are directly absorbed and utilized by plants.

Main functions of potassium humate

  1. Promote the development of crop roots and increase the rate of emergence. Potassium humate is rich in a variety of nutrients. It can be seen in new roots in 3-7 days.
  2. At the same time, it can increase secondary roots, increase the ability of plants to absorb nutrients and water, promote cell division and accelerate crop growth.
  3. Improve fertilizer utilization. Potassium humate provides the necessary carbon and nitrogen sources for beneficial microbial activities in the soil, which promotes the proliferation of microorganisms, dissolves phosphorus, dissolves potassium, and fixes nitrogen, thereby greatly improving the utilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and generally increasing the utilization rate by 50%.
  4. Improve the drought resistance, cold resistance and disease resistance of plants. Potassium humate can promote the formation of soil aggregate structure, enhance soil fertility and water retention capacity, and enhance plant drought resistance.
  5. Potassium humate can enhance the photosynthesis of plants and increase the organic matter in plant cells, thereby improving the cold resistance of crops.
  6. The roots of the plants are developed, the ability to absorb nutrients is greatly enhanced, the plants are robust and the disease resistance is strong.
  7. Improve production and improve quality. Potassium humate is completely soluble in water, easy to absorb and has strong permeability.
  8. The effect is more than 5 times that of common humic acid. The active substance of fulvic acid makes the absorption and utilization rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium reach 50% or more, greatly enhancing the nutrition of the plant itself. Increase yield and improve crop quality.
  9. Improve soil and resist heavy mites. Potassium humate combines with calcium ions in the soil to form a stable agglomerate structure. The water, fertilizer, gas and heat of the soil are regulated. The soil is beneficially multiplied.
  10. The harmful bacteria in the soil are controlled, thus improving crop resistance. The knot and soil salinity caused by long-term excessive fertilization have obvious repairing functions.

The use of sodium humate as feed in animal feeding has demonstrated long-standing benefits. Until the 1950s and 1960s, they were used in the form of peat. Sodium humate covers the mucosa and binds toxins and microorganisms, which are then excreted. They should also be considered to have anti-inflammatory effects, have astringent effects, and enhance the animal’s immune system. In many applications, sodium humate has the potential to complement or even replace antibiotics. Currently, sodium humate is mainly derived from oxidized brown coal.

Sodium humate is a concentrated, water-soluble feed grade sodium sulfate in the form of crystalline granules. It can feed livestock (pig, poultry and cattle) or as a drinking water additive to stimulate the immune system. The intestinal flora is stabilized by immobilizing toxins and harmful substances in animal feed and by forming a protective film on the surface of the gastrointestinal mucosa. The appetite of the animals also increases, which in turn increases feed intake. Huminfeed improves feed conversion and ultimately promotes weight gain.
Sodium humate is obtained by alkaline extraction of highly oxidized German lignite source (leonardite) which is produced by decomposition of organic matter. Leonardite originates from the chemical and biological humification of plant matter and the high biological activity of microorganisms.
Sodium humate is a sodium humate salt obtained by alkaline extraction of highly oxidized lignite. It is easy to handle and transport. It has been explored in veterinary medicine and used in animal husbandry for more than 30 years.
Sodium humate is classified as non-toxic when administered orally to warm-blooded animals. There are no obvious side effects and there is no known allergy or drug resistance in the case of conventional oral applications. Due to its basic chemical structure, sodium humate is neither teratogenic nor mutagenic. It also does not have any carcinogenic or embryotoxic effects. Since there is no high resorption rate in the gastrointestinal tract, no waiting time is observed after oral administration. In the long-term trial (120 days), different doses of HuminFeed® WSG were used prophylactically for calves and cattle, with a 4%-10% increase in body weight compared to the control group.
Improve feed conversion, promote weight gain, and reduce production costs. Can be used as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters.

Its application to different species results:
 Reduce the risk of weaning and pre-fertility diarrhoea due to feed changes and regrouping.
 Improve feed conversion to increase weight
 Reduce ammonia emissions and odors
 can increase milk production and sow reproduction rate
 Reduce the sensitivity of broilers and turkeys to stress
 Improve immunity and promote growth
 Improve feed conversion
 Reduce ammonia emissions and odors
 Reduce the risk of diarrhoea in the first month and increase vitality in calves
 Reduce the risk of mastitis and high somatic cell counts in dairy cows.
 Improve feed conversion
 Reduce ammonia emissions and odors

Instructions for use
For all livestock species, mix with feed or drinking water.
For calves, mix them with milk or formula for the first 30 days after birth. It can be used in automatic milk powder feeders.
2-3 kg per ton of feed
drinking water:
1-2 kg per 1000 liters of drinking water
Milk or formula:
10 grams per calf per day
body weight:
50-70 mg per kilogram of body weight per day

Sodium humate is used as a feed additive.

Feed additives based on humic agents have been certified and applied in many countries. The addition of humate to pig feed (including water or milk solution prepared 60 days prior to use) resulted in an increase in live weight of 2.5 kg.

The sodium humate additive helps prevent and treat gastrointestinal disorders, greater immune resistance, 20-30% reduction in cattle losses, better forage assimilation, and a 10-20% reduction in feed-specific consumption. The sodium humate additive also helps to improve the taste of meat and dairy products. In addition, they can alleviate the stress of cattle caused by industrial conditions managed by livestock, strengthen hair, enhance agility and appetite, and promote the rapid and healthy growth of animals.

The addition of humic agents to mixed feeds, drinking water, premixes or polymers is the most practical method. As an effective humus preparation, it can be mixed with mineral feed additives. For example, sodium lignin containing humic shells or a mechanical mixture with defluorinated phosphate